Windows 7 Shortcut Keys in Keyboard

Windows 7 Shortcut Keys in Keyboard
Win + Spacebar – Aero desktop peek, just like that small rectangle at the aptly underneath confront next to the time sight.
Win + Left Arrow – Toggle docking to half the screen early by the left half.
Win + Aptly Arrow – Toggledocking to half the screen early by the aptly half.
Win + Shift + Left Arrow – Go the dialogue box one monitor left in a multi-monitor sight.
Win + Shift + Aptly Arrow – Go the dialogue box one monitor aptly in a multi-monitor sight.
Win + Up Arrow – Maximize
Win + Down Arrow – Minimize
Win + Home – Minimize/Maximize all inactive windows.
Win + P – Show presentation mode projector options.
Win + G – Show desktop gadgets.
Win + Any digit (1, 2, 3, .., 0) – Open the corresponding taskbar pinned program.
Ctrl + Click – A pinned taskbar icon to cycle through the program’s openwindows.
Ctrl + Shift + Click – A pinned taskbar icon to run a new instance of the program as administrator.
Shift + Click – A pinned taskbar icon to run a new instance of the program.
Win + T – Focus the first taskbar entry, akin to ALT+TAB.
Win + Shift + T – Same as above in back order.
Win + +/Win + – - Zoom in and out of Windows.
Alt + P – Show/hide Preview Pane in Surveyor .
Win + Tab – Windows Aero Task Switcher

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